Words will never do it justice. One can attempt to explain it, yet after experiencing aquatic bodywork people consistently comment that it’s very difficult to describe. Best to receive a session and experience it for yourself.

Watsu® is the original aquatic bodywork modality wherein a person is floated in a 96 degree warm water pool. I utilize passive joint movement, stretches and massage while you breathe deeply out of gravity- allowing you to release, relax, open and let go. Created and trademarked by Harold Dull in the 1980’s, Watsu® is deeply relaxing and affects dramatic changes in the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is quieted and the parasympathetic nervous system is enhanced, which profoundly effects the neuromuscular system.  This allows physiological changes to occur in the body.

All my life I have explored the world of water, be it riding waves, swimming or blowing bubbles in my garden tub. I get the flow. Combining my Piscean water baby islander roots with decades of body/energywork and creative curiosity, I have discovered a unique way in the warm water with my clients. This way is gentle yet profound. I give invitations and honor your body’s YES’s, following you through the water.

Aquatic bodywork helps increase range of motion and decrease muscle tension, which results in decreased pain. Clients report relief in physical and emotional pain, and also report profound spiritual experiences. Various populations have turned to aquatic bodywork and have found it to be beneficial for a host of conditions: chronic pain, post traumatic stress, fibromyalgia, spinal cord injury, arthritis, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, etc. Many come simply because it’s deeply relaxing and a complete break from daily routine.

Aquatic bodywork is great for people who love to relax and for those who need to de-stress. 96 degree water is basically the same temperature as your outer skin, so after an hour of relaxing you do not overheat nor get chilled. Click here to request a session.